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Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar

An Autonomous Research Institute of Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India

Ph.D. Admission Result for the Winter Session 2024-25 New
स्वच्छता ही सेवा / Swachhata Hi Seva - 2024 New
"OPEN DAY" event at Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar on National Science Day: A Report New
आज़ादी का अमृत महोत्सव (Celebrating 75 Years of Independence) New
Bhubaneswar Area Scientific Events (BASE)
Beam Time Request to use Accelerator Facilities (3.0 MV and 40 kV) at IOP

e-Notice Board
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  Announcements New

Tender for Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 36KV Outdoor CT and related accessories. Tender for High Performance Computing (HPC) Cluster Support at IOP Quotation Call Notice for Supplying of IPad Air 11" M2 Chip 128GB Installation of Cattle Trap/Drainage Grill at Main Gate in IOP Campus, Bhubaneswar Repair/Maintenance Works in Qtrs. No.E-1 (old) in IOP Campus, Bhubaneswar Quotation Call Notice for Supplying and Installation of Automatic Spin Coating System Rate quotation for providing housekeeping, hospitality and catering servie at IOP Guest House Tender for High Performance Computing (HPC) Cluster Support at IOP Tender for Electrical work supply, installation testing and commissioning 36KV Outdoor CT and related accessories Tender for Supply of Materials and Job work for 4TR Cassettee AC installed in Director’s Office Block-B at IOP Tender for Internal Painting and Aluminium /Glass partition at Dispensary in IoP Campus, Bhubaneswar Tender for Renovation of attached toilet of Director’s office at Block-A Building in IoP Campus, Bhubaneswar Tender for Renovation of terrace of Guest house in IoP Campus, Bhubaneswar Tender for Making a temporary steel shed at the main gate of Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar Tender for Laying of Paver Block on the approach road of Guest house in IoP Campus, Bhubaneswar Rate Quotation for Chemical Items Repairing of 80TR compressor and allied system including spare parts at Library building air conditioning system in IOP Repair of Library AHU, Condenser Motor, Chiller Pump, Starter Panel of Chiller and condenser Pump at IOP Quotation Call Notice for Tablet and its related accessories Quotation for Programmable Spin Coating System Quotation for i-Mac 24 inch Retina 4.5K display Corrigendum for Operation and Comprehensive Maintenance of Air Conditioning System and Chilled water System. Rate quotation for printing and supplying of writing pad and note pad Quotation for supply of PVC Doormat Quotation for Repairing of stage curtain Tender for Operation and Comprehensive maintenance of AC system and Chilled water systems of Institute of Physics Bhubaneswar Tender for Repair/Maintenance works in Qtrs. no. E-1(old) in IoP Campus, Bhubaneswar Corrigendum : Upgradation of PL Instrument Corrigendum : Tender for External Painting of Block A Building, Extension Building, IBL and guest House, CNC Building, Workshop, Efficiency Apartment, AMPL Building, Scholars Hostel in IOP Campus Corrigendum : Tender for Upgradation of Existing D8 Advance XRD System Corrigendum 2 : Tender for Renovation of Air Conditioning and Chilled water Plant in IBL Building at IOP Campus Corrigendum : Tender for Repairing of 60TR Package AC Compressor, Model RAUP-600, Make-TRANE in Auditorium Tender for Repairing of 60TR Package AC Compressor, Model RAUP-600, Make-TRANE in Auditorium Tender for External Painting of Block A Building, Extension Building, IBL and guest House, CNC Building, Workshop, Efficiency Apartment, AMPL Building, Scholars Hostel in IOP Campus Tender for Internal Painting and repairing works in 7nos. II-B Qtrs type and 4 Nos. C Type Qtrs In IOP Campus Corrigendum for Renovation of Air Conditioning and Chilled water Plant in IBL Building at IOP CampusTender for Renovation of Air Conditioning and Chilled water Plant in IBL Building at IOP CampusQuotation Call Notice for Annual Report Designing & Printing Tender for Upgradation of Existing D8 Advance XRD SystemOpen Post-Doctoral PositionsTech SupportDAE Handbook on Report Writing

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