Tentative Schedule

day and time 09:00--10:30 10:30--11:00 11:00--12:30 12:30-- --14:30 14:30--16:00 16:00--17:30 17:30--18:00 18:00--19:30
12th   Registration  L u n c h      B r e a k Sinha Nishioka Coffee Sinha
13th Rajesh Coffee Nishioka  L u n c h      B r e a k Wall Coffee Rajesh
14th Sinha Coffee Rajesh  L u n c h      B r e a k Wall Coffee Nishioka
15th Nishioka Coffee Lunch Break, Trip to Konark, Cultural Program
16th Shiraz Coffee Shiraz  L u n c h      B r e a k Wall Coffee Alok
17th Shiraz Coffee Alok  L u n c h      B r e a k Wall Coffee Alok