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academic press 

 acm (association for computing machinery) 

 acs (american chemical society) 

 addison wesley longman 

 agu (american geophysical union) 

 aip (american institute of physics) press 

 ams (american mathematical society) 

  • (chelsea)
  •  ans (american nuclear society) 

     association of american university presses 





     bowker saur 

     cambridge university press 

     crc press (chemical rubber company) 

  • (auerbach - fcn - lewis - st. lucie)
  •  edp sciences (editions de physique) 


  • (pergamon - north holland - excerpta medica)
  •  gordon and breach 

  • (harwood academic - craftsman house -

  • harvey miller - fine arts - interface books) 

     harvard university press 

     iee (institution of electrical engineers) 

     ieee (institute of electrical and electronics engineers) international press 

     iop (institute of physics - UK, not BBSR) 




     macmillan computer publishing 

  • (que - sams)
  •  mit press 

     national academy press 

  • (national academy of sciences - national academy of engineering - institute of medicine - national research council)
  •  o'reilly 

     oxford university press 


     prentice hall 

     princeton university press 


  • (altamira)
  •  spie (international society for optical engineering) 

     springer-verlag: berlin / new york / wien 

     taylor & francis 

  • (accelerated development - brunner - mazel - falmer - garland - psychology press - university college london press)
  •  Tata McGraw-Hill  

     telos (the electronic library of science) 

     ttp (trans tech publications) 

     university of north carolina (unc) press 

     w. h. freeman 

     walter de gruyter 


     wiley - vch 

     wolfram research 

     world scientific 



    adapted from ICTP Library page